Cut Faster. Cut Smarter.
Get the job done!
Let AudioCut help you become an expert in audio editing. No more back and forth listening, just a few clicks.
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For Adobe Audition
Boost Productivity like Never Before
Say goodbye to boring audio editing, AudioCut tool helps you shorten your work time from hours to minutes.
Edit according to the subtitles
Don’t have to go back and forth to audition. You can complete the editing by operating the subtitles, which greatly improves efficiency.
Quickly locate subtitles
For example, the entire sentence is selected, the comparison text is selected, the single-click word is selected, the filtered word is selected.
Super accurate time point
It uses artificial intelligence technology to accurately identify the start and end time of each sentence and each word, and can accurately identify when deleting.
Choose the plan that fits to you
Register a free account with us today.
Begin with AudioCut to help you get a taste of Audio cut by subtitle
Free Includes :
Maximum duration of each audio is 30 minutes
Maximum 30 minutes per day
Maximum 1 machine
Using RTX 3080 graphics card, the speed is average
Live Chat Support
Email Support
Perfect for individual creators to Improve your business
$99 / mo
Advantages of Premium:
Maximum duration of each audio is 60x3 minutes
Maximum 60x3x5 minutes per day
Maximum 5 machines
Using RTX 4090 graphics card, the speed is fast
Live Chat Support
Email Support
Take your business to the next level with custom packages, and support.
Talk with sales
Everything in Premium, plus:
More audio file durations
Better graphics card, faster processing
Pay As You Go
One time payment, no monthly commitments, pay only for what you use.
$0.06 / min
Frequently Asked Questions
What is AudioCut?
How can AudioCut help me?
Who should use AudioCut?
How to install AudioCut?
How to use AudioCut?
Experience the power of AudioCut AI tool and test its effectiveness now!
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For Adobe Audition
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